
Cik pRiNcEss BuTtErfLY | FavORiTe LiNks | CeRpEn -sAjAk - MuTiARa kAtA | FaMiLy pHoTo aLBuM | -TrIBuTe To My BeSt FrIeNdS - My CiRcLes | EngLiSh CoRnEr... | My ReSuMe | CaRtOOn - TeDdY BeAR - mY PeTs- | KoLeKsI ArTicLeS | FoRuM DiSkUsI | GueSs BooK... | GeNeRaL GaLeRy pHoTo...<AmY MasTuRa FaN cLuB>
Welcome To My Personal CoLLeCtioNs
My ReSuMe

My Name

My Address

My E-Mail Address


To find a fulfilling career that makes the best use of my skills.


Job Title and Company Name for My Most Recent Job (1/1/00-1/1/01)
Here is a description of my most recent job, including my job responsibilities, major projects I completed, and skills I made use of.

Job Title and Company Name for My Previous Job (1/1/99-1/1/00)
Here is a description of a previous recent job, including my job responsibilities, major projects I completed, and skills I made use of.

Job Title and Company Name for Another Previous Job (1/1/98-1/1/99)
Here is a description of a previous job, including my job responsibilities, major projects I completed, and skills I made use of.